Loving My New Mason Jar Lids!

I am not a home canner and really would have no idea where to begin when canning but I am definitely obsessed with mason jars, large, small and in between. They are the cheapest and safest way to store foodstuffs (as well as many other items in and around the house). I would store my juices before in plastic containers that would stain and end up smelling kinda funky no matter how much I scrubbed them. Storing foodstuffs in glass has become all the rage these past few years but the ones made for storing liquids are pretty pricey. Thank heavens for mason jars! They come with two part lids that are incredibly annoying if you don’t can so I was very happy to discover these through one of my favorite websites. I bought the Ball Wide-Mouth Plastic Storage Caps . They come in a set of 8 and cost less than 5 dollars which is an amazing deal. Happy Shopping! Here is the recipe to the juice in the picture in case you missed it before… Bright Orange Goodness.

Ball Wide-Mouth Plastic Storage Caps

~Juice and cover your jars with these!~

Juice Recipe #21: Thanksgiving Juice

I can’t believe I haven’t had a single post since right before Storm Sandy came and turned mine and so many other people’s lives around. I pray for those whose lives will never be the same again and it is admirable to see the country come together to help in any way possible.  Like so many of you Thanksgiving is truly one of my favorite holidays and in the spirit of gratitude for all that we have, are and can do I would like to take the time to list 5 things that I am beyond grateful for.

1. The idea and inspiration to begin this blog this year. Eating and Living well is my life’s passion and this blog has been a wonderful channel for expressing that. Thank you World Wide Web, thank you Word Press, thank you Breville Juice Fountain Plus, thank you Olympus Pen epl1 and thank you Veggie Markets.

2. Thank you to every follower, reader and ‘liker of my posts’. Thank you for validating my work and taking the time to support my blog and sharing in the excitement that a little homemade juice can bring.

3. There are no words to express how grateful I am for the strength and health that I have had this year. I have gone the entire year without so much as a sniffle. This time last year I was suffering from my umpteenth cold, couldn’t breathe and felt like death warmed over. Yup! It was that bad. Health is our Wealth.

4. I am thankful with every breathe that I take for my AMAZING family but most importantly my beloved husband. He is my rock, my #1 fan and my best friend. I am grateful that he tastes almost every one of my kitchen creations and gives me feedback that is sometimes a bit too honest 🙂

5. I am thankful for this juice recipe I created last week while feeling mooshy and happy inside. It awoke my taste buds and got me excited to juice like crazy again.

  • 2 cups of pineapple, chopped
  • 2 oranges, peeled 
  • 1/2 an inch of a ginger root

~Juice and Give Thanks!~